Some random nobody from nowhere shows up on the Judean countryside, rounds up a group of losers that nobody in their right mind would ever listen to, and turns everything upside down, for generations to come.
He claimed to be the “messiah” that the Old Testament prattles on about. That’s crazy.
He claimed to be God. His followers would later write, “yep, it’s true, He was God.” That’s crazy.
His followers also claimed that this nobody would die and remove the “sins of the world.” All of them – past, present, future, yours mine, etc. Crazy.
Top it off with the whole resurrection thing and Christianity gets really close to the top of the world’s craziest religions list.
Maybe that’s why so many Christian people are crazy.
When I first drank the christian Kool Aide, I was going crazy. My Baptist girlfriend had just dumped me at a local breakfast establishment, my dreams of becoming a military pilot had been dashed to bits, and I was deep in the throes of PTSD from something horrible that had happened years prior. Continue reading How I Came to Embrace a Truly Nut-Bag Religion