How Changing My Mind About Changing Everything Changed My Life

I wish I would’ve learned this in my 30’s, it would’ve saved so much grief, frustration, relational entropy – emotional energy.

I’ve spent most of my life believing that situation determines happiness – the right job, a good boss, money, etc.  I’ve had multiple careers as a result – nothing salves a crappy life better than a drastic change.

There have been some fun moments, tons of things to be learned, not many of which have helped in my latest career – Stay At Home Dad (SAHD).  Regardless of where I’ve landed vocationally, there’s always been a nagging compulsion to change everything as soon as life becomes stale, boring, unjust, or downright bad.

Feeling like I can’t be happy until things change has always made me downright bitter, especially in those times where I was powerless to change things. There’s nothing worse than being stuck, feeling like you’re supposed to be somewhere else.

Everything changed in my late 40’s when I was assaulted in a men’s airport restroom.

I left my wife at the gate with 3 ancy kids, hoping to be back in time to board.  This particular facility was attended by a soon-to-be elderly gentleman of Middle-Eastern descent. Continue reading How Changing My Mind About Changing Everything Changed My Life