3 Things I Can’t Stand About Being A Stay at Home Dad, Because I Don’t Have Time To Write about the Other 97, and One Thing I Love

When you see us dropping the kids off at school in our slippers – a little shot of whiskey in our coffee – have pity.

The divorce rate for stay at home dads is significantly higher than marriages where dad brings home the bacon.

This is not a happy place.

A few years ago, I was working as a pastor, with a cozy little web business on the side. Since my schedule was more flexible than my wife’s, I was on tap for getting the kids to and from school.

But our kids were struggling. They’re all adopted, still crossing swords with the aftershocks of whatever they experienced before coming home to us. They needed one parent to go full-time.

And I was blown-up tired.

My wife’s career is a bigger deal than the one I had scratched out, and far more lucrative, so I drew the short straw, passed the web business off to a girl I had been working with, and stepped down as a pastor – which was a good thing. I’ve never been good at pastoring.

I’ve had lots of career dreams and aspirations in my life. Stay at home dad never made the list. Continue reading 3 Things I Can’t Stand About Being A Stay at Home Dad, Because I Don’t Have Time To Write about the Other 97, and One Thing I Love